The game, and all games except for 2001’s Message in a Haunted Mansion, allowed the player to choose from three difficulty modes: Junior Detective, Senior Detective, and Master Detective.

The game featured Nancy as an unseen player character (voiced by actress Lani Minella), an old-timey haunted house aesthetic, and a variety of “fatal errors” the player can make that result in the death of Nancy and the characters around her. The 1998 point-and-click mystery starred a college-aged Nancy Drew posing undercover as a local high school student in order to solve a murder. After the successful release of McKenzie & Co., a point-and-click adventure game for the PC that centered on a group of friends trying to find a prom date, HeR Interactive released Secrets Can Kill. In 1995, American Laser Games (then the leading laserdisc-based arcade game company in the industry) launched HeR Interactive with the intention of making video games for a female audience-despite the general belief that there was no market for such games.

HeR Interactive Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (1998) In 2019, the franchise was put on an unofficial hiatus, leaving fans to wonder when-or if-a new installment would finally surface. Although advertised as fun and educational games for young girls, the series bordered on horror with each installment having its own creepy, almost too-quiet score and the spectre of death looming over the player as any sudden wrong move could result in a “fatal error.” After the first installment was released in 1998, the award-winning series spawned over 30 games and amassed a dedicated fanbase. However, there’s a chance you’ve never heard of the point-and-click adventure game CD-ROM series that put the player in Nancy’s shoes, or the mid-2000s made-for-mobile and Nintendo Wii installments. As of 2021, the ongoing series, authored by a collective of ghostwriters under the name Carolyn Keene, has sold over 80 million copies, in addition to spawning six films and three television shows, cementing Nancy Drew as a cultural icon. The strawberry blonde sleuth made her fiction debut in 1930, initially invented as a female counterpart to the crime-solving Hardy Boys. Even if you’ve never read the books or seen any of the screen adaptations, chances are you’ve heard the name Nancy Drew.